Saturday, 6 December 2008

More news!

Hi peeps, just a further update for all of you (loosely speaking) who show an interest in my work.
I've got about 3 pieces in progress at the minute, and there'll be a revision to 1 or 2 existing pieces, probably 'Elizabeta' and 'Autumn', although Autumn seems popular so I might leave it alone....we'll see what my mood is like at the time I decide to do something!

The 3 pieces in progress are:

An untitled landscape piece which is giving me the mother of all headaches;
A piece entitled 'Same crimes, different faces', which is proving a real test of my abilities;
and an icon painted in a fusion of Serbian Orthodox styles and my own.

So keep checking back, there may be a sudden flood of new work for your viewing pleasure!

And for all the LSA's out there, remember this: You don't need a pension until you start to smell like biscuits and piss :p

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